David P. Wolfer, MD
Institute of Anatomy UZH and IBWS ETH Zurich
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Information for Students, Spring Semester 2025

Lecture 'Funktionelle Anatomie' 
ETH 376-0905-00
- Moodle

- content: [ PDF ]
- handouts D.P. Wolfer 'Untere Extremität' [ 1 PDF | 2 PDF | 3 PDF | 4 PDF ]

Course in 'Histologie'
ETH 376-0153-00 / UZH BME247 on-line - Moodle / OLAT

- content: [ PDF ]
- recommended reading: [ PDF ]
- course materials and links: Moodle / OLAT

Current Research

Our field of research is cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. My group uses mouse models to gain a better understanding of the role of the hippocampus in the control of behavior under normal and disease conditions. To this end we are also developing new approaches for automated high throughput analysis of behavior in the home cage. A further line of research investigates the effects of environment and exercise on hippocampal plasticity and cognitive function.

Selected publications:[ Google Scholar | ResearcherID ]
Brilkova M, Nigri M, Kumar HS, Moore J, Mantovani M, Keller C, Grimm A, Eckert A, Shcherbakov
D, Akbergenov R, Seebeck P, Krämer SD, Wolfer DP, Gent TC, Böttger EC. Error-prone protein
synthesis recapitulates early symptoms of Alzheimer disease in aging mice.
Cell Rep 40:111433, 2022
Nigri M, Åhlgren J, Wolfer DP, Voikar V. Role of environment and experimenter in reproducibility
of behavioral studies with laboratory mice. Front Behav Neurosci 16:e835444, 2022
Shcherbakov D, Nigri M, Akbergenov R, Brilkova M, Mantovani M, Petit PI, Grimm A, Karol AA,
Teo Y, Sanchón AC, Kumar Y, Eckert A, Thiam K, Seebeck P, Wolfer DP, Böttger EC.
Premature aging in mice with error-prone protein synthesis. Sci Adv 8:eabl9051, 2022
Luo W, Egger M, Domonkos A, Que L, Lukacsovich D, Cruz-Ochoa NA, Szocs S, Seng C,
Arszovszki A, Sipos E, Amrein I, Winterer J, Lukacsovich T, Szabadics J, Wolfer DP, Varga C,
Földy C. Recurrent rewiring of the adult hippocampal mossy fiber system by a single
transcriptional regulator, Id2. PNAS 118:e2108239118, 2021
Richter MC, Ludewig S, Winschel A, Abel T, Bold C, Slazburger LR, Klein S, Han K, Weyer S,
Fritz AK, Laube B, Wolfer DP, Buchholz CJ, Korte M, Müller UC. Distinct in vivo role of APPsα
versus APPsβ for spine density, synaptic plasticity and cognition. EMBO J 37:e98335, 2018
Voikar V, Krackow S, Lipp HP, Rau A, Colacicco G, Wolfer DP. Automated dissection of
permanent effects of hippocampal or prefrontal lesions on performance at spatial, working
memory and circadian timing tasks of C57BL/6 mice in IntelliCage.
Behav Brain Res 352:8-22, 2018
Hick M, Herrmann U, Weyer SW, Mallm P, Tschäpe J, Borgers M, Mercken M, Roth R, Draguhn A,
Slomianka L, Wolfer DP, Korte M, Müller UC. Acute function of secreted Amyloid Precursor
Protein fragment APPsα in synaptic plasticity. Acta Neuropathol 129:21-37, 2015