Key statement
Type conventions
and statement
synax are explained in the Glossary.
This statement serves to define a special type of fields that Wintrack
uses to represent events when case documents are displayed, printed
or transferred to other applications. These fields differ from ordinary
fields mainly in two respects. First, they have a reserved name that
identifies the represented event key. Second, they do not appear at
fixed location in the arena but on top of data points in a path or timeline
view where they indicate that the corresponding event key was down as
the point was recorded.
parameter indicating the xy position of the field center relative
to the data point and the width and height of its bounding rectangle.
No default.
parameter indicating the range of trials for which the field is
relevant. Default = all trials. If a field changes properties with trials,
use Field statements that share the same field name but have non-overlapping
trial ranges.
parameter indicating the range of setup versions for which the field
is relevant. Default = all versions. If a field changes properties with
setup versions, use Field statements that share the same field name
but have non-overlapping version ranges.
box parameter indicating field properties. Default = Round, else
any combination of the following:
- Rectangle = rectangle of size and position specified in the Rect
parameter. Overrides Round if both options are activated simultaneously.
- Round = circle or oval inscribed in the bounding rectangle specified
in the Rect parameter.
- Corners: Rect to be interpreted as Rect=left,bottom,right,top rather
than as Rect=center_x,center_y,width,height.
- Polar: Rect to be interpreted as Rect=radius,angle,width,heigth
rather than as Rect=center_x,center_y,width,height. Polar coordinates
refer to the center of the setup (o/o).
- Virtual = place only one symbol over the last data point if an
event stretches over more than one data point. If this option is not
specified, a symbol will be place over each individual point.
- Right = shift the symbol horizontally so that its right edge is
aligned with the data point.
- EventX = scale the symbol horizontally according to the duration
of the event it represents. If data are represented as a timeine view,
the width of the symbol is calculated using the same time to distance
conversion as used to generate the timeline and Rect indicates the
absolute minimal with of the symbol. On a path, Rect specifies the
with for a symbol that represents an event that lasted one second.
- EventY = scale the symbol vertically according to the duration
of the event it represents. If data are represented as a timeine view,
the height of the symbol is calculated using the same time to distance
conversion as used to generate the timeline and Rect indicates the
absolute minimal height of the symbol. On a path, Rect specifies the
height for a symbol that represents an event that lasted one second.
parameter indicating RGB color for field border. Default is black.
button parameter indicating the border style of the field. Default
is Solid, else one of the following:
- Solid = solid line,
- Null = no border,
- Dash = dashed line,
- Dot = dotted line,
- DashDot = dash-dot line,
- DashDotDot = dash-dot-dot line.
parameter indicating the with of the field border in metric units.
parameter indicating RGB color for field fill. Default is white.
button parameter indicating the fill style of the field. Default
is Solid, else one of the following:
- Solid = solid fill,
- Null = transparent,
- Horz = horizontal hatch,
- Vert = vertical hatch,
- aDiag = ascending diagonal hatch,
- dDiag = descending diagonal hatch,
- cDiag = diagonal crossed hatch,
- Cross = crossed hatch.
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