File fields are used to specify files and paths for input or output.
This is how you handle them:
Type a file name or path into the edit box.
You can also select and edit part or all of the text already displayed
in the box. The text you type must match MS Windows standards
for naming files and paths. The path displayed in this box will
be added to the top of the history list when you press Ok to execute
the command. |
Click the question button to invoke a Windows
standard file open or save dialog that allows you to navigate drives
and directories and to pick files with the mouse. As the standard
dialog opens, its initial settings reflect the current content of
the edit box. When you press Ok to close it, your selection will
be copied to the edit box. |
Use the down arrow button to open the field's
drop down history list and reuse one of your most recently specified
combinations of options. |

If present in proximity of the edit box, use these
buttons to launch Windows WordPad or NotePad
in order to edit the document whose name is displayed in the edit
box. The edit box may also contain name and path of a new file that
you want to create with Windows WordPad, or NotePad
respectively. |