Like other Windows applications, Wintrack treats data as documents
which it displays in document windows. When you open more than
one document at a time, the document in the topmost window is called
the active document. There are three types of documents in Wintrack:
case documents, surface documents and scrollsheets.
documents are stored as case files (extension .WTR) and
displayed on screen in case document windows. They contain two types
of information: case data and case properties. Case data are the
paths, events and goal position of all trials run with a particular
animal. Case properties define the number, arrangement and zoom
state of the trial views inside the case window. |
are stored in scrollsheet files (extension .WTB) and displayed
on screen in scrollsheet windows. These are scrollable tables that
hold any combination of numbers or text. When filtering and analyzing
case documents, you use scrollsheets to display and store the results.
You can also use them to define the trial acquisition sequence for
an experiment or as parameter tables to feed parameters to a macro. |
documents are stored as surface files (extension .WSF)
and displayed on screen in surface document windows. They consist
of color coded rectangular tiles and an associated color scale.
They are created in order to visualize the spatial distribution
of a surface variable, a type of result you can obtain when analyzing
case documents. Surface documents are commonly used to visualize
spatial preferences during the probe trial of a Morris watermaze
experiment. |