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Import GPSMS1 statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.


File parameter indicating the log file containing the GPSMS1 data. Must be specified, there is no default. Expected file extension is .LOG.

Time parameter indicating the GMT day time when the animal was released. Default = 00:00:00 = determine automatically. Automatic recognition defines release as the first point followed by 10 successive points with GPS speed >20km/h. To specify release time manually when more than 24h elapsed between the begin of recording and release , increment the number of hours by 24h for each day. Example: release at 17.00.01 on the next day = 41:00:01.

Time parameter indicating the GMT day time when the animal arrived at the target site. Default = 00:00:00 = determine automatically. Arrival is defined as the last point precceded by 10 successive points with GPS speed >20km/h. To specify arrival time manually when more than 24h elapsed between the begin of recording and arrival, increment the number of hours by 24h for each day. Example: arrival at 18.00.01 on the next day = 42:00:01.

Array parameter indicating the exact nominal coordinates of the release and target site. Four numbers are expected in the following order: x-coordinate of release, y-coordinate of release, x-coordinate of target, y-coordinate of target. Default = 0,0,0,0 = infer from data and do not snap path into place.

Number parameter indicating the minimal number of satellites on which a fix must be based in order to be imported as data point of a path.

Number parameter indicating the tolerated maximal discrepancy between GPS speed and speed over ground calculated from coordinate differences.

Number parameter indicating the maximal shift that Wintrack is allowed to compensate by snapping the imported path to the nominal start and release coordinates, respectively

Radio button parameter indicating the size of the new window. Default = Norm, else any of the following options:

  • Norm = default size assigned by Windows™
  • Fit = automatic fit of data to be shown
  • Max = maximize window
  • Min = minimize as icon

Name parameter specifying the text for the trial title. You can insert place holders that Wintrack will replace with specific information about the data:

  • {drel} = release date
  • {darr} = arrival date
  • {trel} = release day time GMT
  • {tarr} = arrival day time GMT
  • {proj} = projection, examples:
    SwissGrid = Swiss National coordinate system
    UTM32N = Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 32 North
    TM 23.45E = Transverse Mercator with central meridian 23.45° East

Radio button parameter indicating the geographical projection used to transform longitude and latitude values into flat XY coordinates:

  • Auto = SwissGrid if data within frame, else universal transverse Mercator
  • Chxy = always use SwissGrid projection
  • Utm = always use universal transverse Mercator projection
  • Ctm = transverse Mercator projection with custom central meridian

Number parameter indicating the central meridian. Decimal degrees ranging from -179.999° (West) to +180.000° (East) are expected. This field is only considered if you specify Ctm in the Projection parameter.

Note that...

GPS log files store time of day as GMT. Specifications of tRel and tEnd are expected as GMT as well.

Additional information...

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