parameter indicating the name of the case document to be affected
by the command. Default is the topmost case document.
parameter indicating the range of trials to be affected by the command.
By default all trials are affected.
parameter indicating the duration of the time window to be displayed.
The value is automatically adjusted if it exceeds the duration of the
trial. There is no default, can only be omitted if WinRef=None.
parameter indicating an offset for the time window to be displayed.
The offset is between the ends of window and trial or between the beginnings
of trial and window as indicated by the WinRef parameter. There is no
default, can only be omitted if WinRef=None or WinRef=Time.
Time parameter indicating the GMT day time when time window should begin. Value is used if WinRef=Time.
button parameter indicating how the value of WinOff is to be interpreted.
Default = None, else one of the following options:
- None = don't change the time window and ignore WinOff and
- All = show entire path and ignore WinOff and WinDur,
- Beg = WinOff is the time elapsing between the beginning of
the trial and the beginning of the time window,
- End = WinOff is the time elapsing between the end of the
time window and the end of the trial,
- Time=time window starts at WinRtim.
button parameter indicating the zoom state. Default = None, else
one of the following options:
- None = don't change the magnification,
- FitAll = zoom out to show entire arena,
- FitPth = zoom in so the paths of all selected trials have the same magnification and the largest of them fills it's trial view entirely.,
- Abs = zoom to the magnification specified by Zfac,
- Rel = change the magnification by Zfac.
parameter to control zoom state changes. Its effect depends on the option selected with the Zoom paramter. If Zoom=FitAll or Zoom=FiPth, Zfac should be 100 or less and indicates the fraction of the trial view space to be used for displaying the data (e.g. 90 leaves a 5% free margin on each side). If Zoom=Abs, Zfac indicates the magnification to zoom to (at 100% 1 workspace pixel equals one display pixel). If Zoom=Rel, Zfac indicates the relative magnification change (e.g. 200 = display 2x larger). Zfac is ignored if Zoom=None.
With increased magnification, only those fields and path segments
will be displayed which still fit entirely into the view frame. If you
specify time windows using the Zoom statement, this changes only the
way paths are displayed and does not affect the path data itself, nor
any analysis conducted with the data. If you wish to specify time windows
for variables during path analysis you must add Window statements to
the variable definition file.
There may not always be data points whose time stamps coincide exactly
with the desired time window. Wintrack displays only data that fit entirely within the specified window, but the effectively displayed window may be smaller than the specified one. Specifically, the first point displayed is the one just after the latest point with a time stamp equal or later than the specified beginning of the window. The last point displayed is the latest point with a time stamp equal or earlier than the specified window end. The time stamp of a point always indicates the end of the time interval that is represented by that point. The very first point in each trial represents the time interval for 0 to its time stamp, and so on.