Fill in the dialog box fields as indicated below. You may also accept
presented default values
and options. Disregard grayed
fields and options. When done, press Ok to continue. Or press Cancel
to abort.
Use this number field
to change the number of trials in the case.
Caution! If you specify a number which is smaller than the number
of trials in the case, excess trials will be deleted!
setup version
Use this number field
to change the setup version to be used for the case.
row/session breaks
Use this range field
to list all trials/sessions which should be displayed on a new row.
Viewing mode
Use this radio button field to indicate how multiple trials should be displayed:
- independent views = separate trial views whose zoom states
and time windows can be set independently,
- synchronized zoom state = trial views still displayed separately but
with synchronized zoom state and time window,
- overlaid views = zoom state and time window synchronized
and trial views displayed on top of each other.
Use this number field
to indicate how many rows of trials/sessions should be displayed at
a time. A scroll bar will allow to scroll in rows that are out of view.
Use this number field
to indicate how many columns of trials/sessions should be displayed
at a time. A scroll bar will allow to scroll in columns that are out
of view. Unavailable if Viewing mode is set to overlaid views.
top left trial
Use this number field
to indicate which trial is to be shown in the top left corner of the
case window by default, before the scroll bars have been used to change
the view. Unavailable if Viewing mode is set to overlaid views.