parameter indicating the name of the case document to be affected
by the command. Default: the topmost case document.
parameter indicating the file name and location of the variable
definition file to be processed. Wintrack variable definition files
are expected to have the extension .VDF.
button parameter indicating how the results of the analysis should
be reported. Default = None, else one of the following options:
- None = do not create a report.
- New = create a new scrollsheet to hold the results of the
- Merge = merge the results into the topmost scrollsheet reusing
existing columns as much as possible and overwriting any previous
results of the same analysis. If the topmost scrollsheet contains
incompatible data, a new one is created.
- Chain = append the results to the topmost scrollsheet without
reusing or overwriting any existing columns or rows. If the topmost
scrollsheet contains incompatible data, a new one is created.
button parameter indicating how variables are defined. Default
= None, else one of the following options:
- List = analyze predefined variables specified by the List
parameter Vsel.
- File = analyze custom variables defined in the file specified
by the parameter iFile.
parameter specifying a list of predefined variables which are to
be analyzed. There is no default for this parameter, you must specify
a selection of predefined variables whenever you set Vdef=List.
parameter indicating the duration of the time window to be analyzed.
The value is automatically adjusted if it exceeds the duration of the
trial. There is no default, can only be omitted if WinRef=None.
parameter indicating an offset for the time window to be analyzed.
The offset is between the ends of window and trial or between the beginnings
of trial and window as indicated by the WinRef parameter. There is no
default, can only be omitted if WinRef=None.
button parameter indicating how the value of WinOff is to be interpreted.
Default = None, else one of the following options:
- None = don't change the time window and ignore WinOff and
- All = show entire path and ignore WinOff and WinDur,
- Beg = WinOff is the time elapsing between the beginning
of the trial and the beginning of the time window,
- End = WinOff is the time elapsing between the end of the
time window and the end of the trial.
Text parameter specifying a suffix to be appended to all variable names defined in a custom variable definition file. Specify "None" (default) if you do not wish to add a suffix to variable names.
Range parameter
indicating the range of trials to be affected by the command. By default
all trials are considered. If Vdef=File, the effect of a trial range
specification will depend on the type of variable defined in the custom
variable definition file you are about to process. For trial variables,
profile variables, and bullets it will simply determine which trials
will be considered in the analysis. For surface variables, it will further
restrict the trial ranges already specified in the variable definition,
so that only trials included in both ranges will be considered. Case
variables will remain unaffected by the setting.
parameter indicating the size of the blocks into which the trials
of the selected range are to be grouped. If you specify o for block
size, Wintrack will analyze trial variables, else it will analyze case
variables. In the latter case, all selected variables will be analyzed
for every trial in the range and then averaged for each block of trials.
Default = 2. This parameter is ignored for Vdef=File. In that case,
Wintrack expects the trial blocks for case variables to be defined in
the custom variable definition file.
parameter indicating the width of the wall zone. This parameter
needs to be only specified for certain of the predefined variables.
Default = 15cm.
parameter indicating the width of the inner or center zone. This
parameter needs only to be specified for certain of the predefined variables.
Default = 50cm.
parameter indicating the radius of the start zone. This parameter
needs only to be specified for certain of the predefined variables.
Default = 30cm.
parameter indicating the radius of the goal zone. This parameter
needs only to be specified for certain of the predefined variables.
Default = 30cm.
parameter indicating the radius of the air-line corridor leading
from the start point to the goal. This parameter needs only to be specified
for certain of the predefined variables. Default = 16cm.
parameter indicating the activity threshold. Default = 0.06m/s.