Fill in the dialog box fields as indicated below. You may also accept
presented default values
and options. Disregard grayed
fields and options. When done, press Ok to continue. Or press Cancel
to abort.
scrollsheet file
Use this file field
to specify the name and location of the file you want to save to.
If you are saving to a file, use this radio
button field to select a format for the file:
- normal = Wintrack scrollsheet file (expected extension is
- text (tab-delimited) = tab-delimited text format compatible
with MS Excel and other Windows applications (expected extension
is .TXT, recommended exchange format),
- text (comma-delimited) = comma-delimited text format compatible
with MS Excel and other Windows applications (expected extension
is .CSV),
- text (fixed width) = space delimited text format with fixed
column width (expected extension is .LOG)
Save to
Use this radio button
field to select a destination for the data:
- clipboard = copy the scrollsheet content to the Windows
clipboard for transfer to other Windows applications,
- file = save to a text or scrollsheet file.
If you are saving to a text file or copying to the clipboard, use this
check box field
to select any combination of options:
- write column names = export column names from the first row
of the scrollsheet,
- write column comments = export column comments from the second
row of the scrollsheet,
- skip fixed columns = export without the columns that were designated fixed during creation or import of the scrollsheet (leftmost columns appearing on white background).