Wintrack 2.4.30323
Download (ca.
Note that this link is inactive if you are viewing a local duplicate
of the Wintrack web site.
How to install this version of Wintrack...
- Remove any previous versions of Wintrack from your system -
or make sure that you do not install the new version to a program folder
that already contains an older version.
- Run Install2430323.exe. The WinZip Self-Extractor dialog box
appears. Specify a destination folder for unzipping the files. This
folder will be the Wintrack program folder. The suggested default is
C:\Wintrack. Click the Unzip button to start the unzipping process.
- WinZip Self-Extractor extracts the Wintrack files and folders
to the specified program folder and displays a message when done. Click
OK to close the message window. Back to the WinZip Self-Extractor dialog,
click the Close button.
- Next, you can create a desktop shortcut to the program. Open
the folder into which you have installed Wintrack. Select the application
file Wtr32.exe and drag it to the desktop. If you want to edit
the name of the shortcut or want to specify a working directory for
Wintrack, right-click the shortcut and select rename from the menu which
- Double click the shortcut to run Wintrack. It looks for an
initialization file WTR2430227.INI in the Windows directory of
your system. The file may already exist if you have previously used
Wintrack 2.4.20630 or later. If the initialization file is not found,
the following happens:
- The program issues a message telling you that an initialization
file WTR2430227.INI is being created in the Windows directory
of your system.
- Then Wintrack runs the Locate Help
Home Page dialog asking you to specify the path to the help
home page file Index.htm. During installation, this file
was unzipped to the subfolder Hlp of the Wintrack program folder.
- Finally it automatically starts the on-line
tutorial which is part of its on-line help system and provides
a step by step introduction to working with Wintrack.
How to remove Wintrack...
- Delete the Wintrack program folder and all files and subfolders it
may contain.
- From the Windows folder of your system delete the configuration settings
file WTR2430227.INI.
- Remove the program shortcut from the desktop.
What has changed since version 2.4.21214...
- The Acquire Noldus Experiment command
allows to correct object area for different resolutions by specifying
an area scaling factor.
- The Import GPSMS1 command handles
trial durations and release delays > 24h. Its flexibitiy in accepting
GPS data from different sources and in different formats has been improved.
Also, up to 16 extended fields can be added to GPS logs in order to
transfer additional synchronously recorded data into Wintrack supplemental
data streams.
- The Open Scrollsheet command has
a new option called add time series permitting to merge data
from two scrollsheets based on time stamps. Also, scrollsheets can now
have up to 61439 lines.
- The Cmnt parameter of the variable definition
statement Tabulate recognizes the tag "hours" to
activate the hhh:mm:ss time format which allows hours to grow larger
than 24h.
- The variable definition statement Matrix
calculates path linearity when Data=Linearity.
- New Modes have been added to the variable
definition statement Memory, permiting to add, subtrac, multiply
or divide matrices upon recall.
- New Modes have been added to the variable
definition statement Transform. The mode Frame permits to
specify explicit values for matrix cells. The mode Step performs
the same action as Diff, but in downstream direction.
- The Tgt parameter can be omitted in the variable
definition statement Compare in order to compare all trials against
a given reference trial. Mode Plead was revised to take into
account the flight direction of reference bird as well. Comparison of
two birds is now strictly reciprocal. Except in mode Psim, comparison
result only defined if both points selected.
- Various bugs have been eliminated.