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Tabulate statement


Type conventions and statement syntax are explained in the Glossary.

Creates a profile, trial, or case variable and adds its contents to a new column in the scrollsheet designed to hold the analysis results. Each variable is represented by a column which has the same name as the variable. If no column with the appropriate name exists, a new one is automatically added to the scrollsheet.


Name parameter indicating the data source of the variable to be created. There is no default for this parameter. Depending on the type of variable to be created specify one of the following:

  • If a profile variable is to be created, specify one of the following codes:
    • PtAll to write to the scrollsheet all cell values of the active data matrix. Values which according to the current selection mask correspond to deselected data points will be replaced by missing value codes.
    • PtSel to write to the scrollsheet cell values of the active data matrix which correspond to selected points in the active selection mask. Deselected data points will be ignored.
    • PtBeg to write to the scrollsheet only cell values of the active data matrix which correspond to the beginnings of clusters of selected points in the active selection mask. If the selection mask was built in such a way that clusters of selected points represent particular behavioral episodes, such as floating periods or entries in a particular field, each row in the scrollsheet will stand for one such episode.
    • PtEnd to write to the scrollsheet only cell values of the active data matrix which correspond to the ends of clusters of selected points in the active selection mask.
  • The name of a data array or an expression of array names or array names and constants if a trial variable is to be created. Valid array names are A001 through A100. Array elements or combinations of array elements will be written to the resulting scrollsheet as a column of cells.
  • The name of a data value or an expression of value names or value names and constants if a case variable is to be created. Valid value names are V001 through V100. The value or the result of the expression will be written to a single cell of the scrollsheet.
  • The name of a data surface if a surface variable is to be created. Valid surface names are S1 through S5. The result will be written to a pair of columns in the scrollsheet.

    If you are creating case variables in a macro which is called using a parameter table, you may omit the source parameter to instruct Wintrack to pick cells from the parameter table and copy them to the resulting scrollsheet. If there is no parameter table available, tabulate statements without source parameter will be ignored. However, if a parameter table is available, Wintrack will scan it for a column which has the same name as the variable you are creating and will use this column as a data source. If you want to pick data from a source column that has a different name, specify its name preceded by a question mark as the source parameter (e.g. Sce=?age). You can pick cells from the parameter table when creating profile, trial, or case variables. With profile variables, the number of rows added to the resulting scrollsheet is only known after all tabulate statements have been processed. Therefore, columns with values picked from the parameter table should be inserted after all other variables, or else they may be filled incompletely. This restriction does not apply to trial and case variables.

Name parameter indicating the name of the variable to be created. Names may be up to 32 characters long and contain any combination of the letters a-z and digits 0-9. Note: if you are copying cells from a parameter table, the created variable must have the same name as its source column in the parameter table.

Number parameter indicating the number of decimal digits to be displayed in a scrollsheet. Internally, variables are always stored a double precision. Default precision is 2 decimal digits.

Name parameter indicating a commentary to be displayed below the variable name if the variable is displayed in a scrollsheet. You may, for example, use this parameter to specify the unit for the values of the variable. A set of predefined values can be used to activate specialized display formats:

  • time = display calendar time or time of day in hh:mm:ss format
  • hours = display calendar time as h:mm:ss (h may be >24)
  • date = display calendar time in format

Note that...

using the appropriate statements, you must first create the data value, data arrays or matrices you are referring to as a data source. You cannot mix different variable types in the same scrollsheet. You cannot chain variables from different case documents in the same scrollsheet if you are using trial variables.

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