Inventory and descriptions of predefined variables
What predefined variables are...
Analyzing case documents in Wintrack using the Analyze
Case Document command means to define and evaluate variables. The
Analyze Case Document dialog provides
a list of predefined variables you can choose from. These predefined variables
are described in detail below:
tim - time to goal [s]
Time elapsed until reaching the goal, not considering any time spent on
the goal at the end of the trial. The size of the goal and possible goal
positions are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement. The goal
position information which is part of the case data of each case document
specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every particular
pth - total path moved [m]
Path traveled until reaching the goal. Noise occurring during periods
of inactivity is ignored. Before calculating the variable, speed values
are subjected to running average smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s.
The activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s] number field
of the Analyze Case Document dialog,
or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
fai - failed trials [%]
Returns 0% if the analyzed time window is terminated prematurely, else
returns 100%. This variable requires that a time window duration be specified.
To do so in the Analyze Case Document dialog,
select from begin or from end in the Time window radio button field and
enter the appropriate window duration in the duration [s] number field.
To analyze whole trials, specify the maximal trial duration as the time
window. When running the Analyze Case Document
statement, use the WinDur Number
parameter to specify the appropriate window duration.
ier - initial absolute direction error [°]
Draws a line from the release point to the goal and one from the release
point to the point where the animal leaves the start zone. The absolute
angle between the lines is reported. The start zone radius is specified
in the start zone [m] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Start Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. The possible goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
aer - average absolute heading error [°]
Reports the average deviation of the direction of locomotion from the
direction pointing to the goal, ignoring all data points that are within
the goal or start zone, as well as any periods of inactivity. Before calculating
the variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing
with a time window of 0.5 s. The start and goal zone radius is specified
in the start zone [m] and goal zone [m] number fields of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Start and Goal number parameters of
the Analyze Case Document statement.
The activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s] number field
of the Analyze Case Document dialog,
or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. The possible goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
eff - path efficiency index [%]
% of path traveled with a deviation by 15° or less of the direction
of movement from the direction pointing to the goal. All data points in
the goal zone, as well as periods of inactivity are ignored. Before calculating
the variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing
with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the
activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. The goal zone radius is specified in the goal zone [m]
number field of the Analyze Case Document
dialog, or by the Goal Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. The size of the goal and possible goal positions are specified
using the Arena Properties command or
macro statement. The goal position information
which is part of the case data of each case document specifies which of
the possible goal positions applies to every particular trial.
ppw - path moved parallel to wall [%]
% of path traveled parallel to the border of the arena with a deviation
of 15° or less. Periods of inactivity are not considered. Before calculating
the variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing
with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the
activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
wsh - Wishaw's index [%]
% of path traveled within a straight corridor connecting the start and
the goal. Periods of inactivity are not considered. Before calculating
the variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing
with a time window of 0.5 s. The radius of the corridor is set in the
corridor width [m] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Cdor Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. The activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s]
number field of the Analyze Case Document
dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. The possible goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
cse - cumulative search error [m·s]
The cumulative distance to the goal is computed by multiplying the average
distance to the goal by the time elapsed until reaching the goal. The
minimal cumulative distance for an optimal swim path is estimated by dividing
the squared airline distance from the release point to the goal by two
times the animal's average swim speed. The cumulative search error is
the difference between cumulative distance and minimal cumulative distance.
Periods of inactivity are not considered for the computation. For the
definition of inactivity periods, speed values are subjected to running
average smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The size of the goal and
possible goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
dcg - average distance to current goal [m]
Average distance to the goal center, calculated without considering whether
the animal is moving or immobile. The size of the goal and possible goal
positions are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement. The goal
position information which is part of the case data of each case document
specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every particular
qcg - time in current goal quadrant [%]
% of time spent in the goal quadrant, not considering periods of inactivity.
Before calculating the variable, speed values are subjected to running
average smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold
is specified in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. The possible goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
wtm - time spent in wall zone [%]
% of time spent in the wall zone, not considering periods of inactivity.
Before calculating the variable, speed values are subjected to running
average smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The width of the wall zone
is set in the wall zone [m] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Wall Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. The activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s]
number field of the Analyze Case Document
dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
ctm - time spent in center zone [%]
% of time spent in the center zone, not considering periods of inactivity.
Before calculating the variable, speed values are subjected to running
average smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The radius of the center
zone is set in the center zone [m] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Inner Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. The activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s]
number field of the Analyze Case Document
dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
cvs - number of visits to center zone [x]
Number of entries into the center zone. The animal must spend at least
1 s in the zone for it to be counted as an entry. The radius of the center
zone is set in the center zone [m] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Inner Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
jmp - jumps off goal [x]
Number of jumps off the goal. The animal must stay off the goal for at
least 3 s for it to be counted as a jump. The size of the goal and possible
goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
spd - average speed [m/s]
Average linear speed, not considering periods of inactivity. Before calculating
the variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing
with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the
activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
act - active time [%]
% of time spent moving with a linear speed exceeding the threshold specified
in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. Before calculating the variable, speed values are subjected
to running average smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s.
lat - latency to move [s]
Time elapsed until leaving the start zone for the first time. The start
zone radius is specified in the start zone [m] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Start Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
imb - time spent immobile [s]
Time spent immobile, that is with a linear speed below the threshold specified
in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. Time spent immobile on the goal platform is not considered.
Before calculating the variable, speed values are subjected to running
average smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s.
stp - number of stops [x]
Number of stops, defined as periods of inactivity lasting between 1 and
5 s and separated by at least 1 s of locomotion. Before calculating the
variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing with
a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the activity
[m/s] number field of the Analyze Case Document
dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
rst - number of rests [x]
Number of rests, defined as periods of inactivity lasting longer than
5 s and separated by at least 1 s of locomotion. Before calculating the
variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing with
a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the activity
[m/s] number field of the Analyze Case Document
dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
rtm - time spent resting [s]
Cumulated duration of resting periods, defined as periods of inactivity
lasting longer than 5 s and separated by at least 1 s of locomotion. Before
calculating the variable, speed values are subjected to running average
smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified
in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
rdu - average rest duration [s]
Average duration of resting periods, defined as periods of inactivity
lasting longer than 5 s and separated by at least 1 s of locomotion. Before
calculating the variable, speed values are subjected to running average
smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified
in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
bur - number of bursts [x]
Number of locomotory bursts, separated by local minima of speed or periods
of inactivity. Before calculating the variable, speed values are subjected
to running average smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity
threshold is specified in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
bdu - average burst duration [s]
Average duration of locomotory bursts, separated by at least 0.1 m/s deep
local minima of speed or periods of immobility. Before calculating the
variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing with
a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the activity
[m/s] number field of the Analyze Case Document
dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
tor - path tortuosity [°/m]
Local moving directions are subjected to running average smoothing with
a time window of 0.5 s. Then, the path is divided into periods of inactivity,
straight segments, and curves with consistent change of direction. Absolute
direction changes of all curves are summed and divided by total path length.
The activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s] number field
of the Analyze Case Document dialog,
or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
ssp - signed spin [°/m]
Local moving directions are subjected to running average smoothing with
a time window of 0.5 s. Then, the path is divided into periods of inactivity,
straight segments, and curves with consistent change of direction. Signed
direction changes of all curves are summed and divided by total path length.
Negative direction changes are clockwise. The activity threshold is specified
in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
asp - absolute spin [°/m]
Local moving directions are subjected to running average smoothing with
a time window of 0.5 s. Then, the path is divided into periods of inactivity,
straight segments, and curves with consistent change of direction. Signed
direction changes of all curves are summed and divided by total path length.
The absolute value of the ratio is reported. The activity threshold is
specified in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
cvr - average right curve [°]
Local moving directions are subjected to running average smoothing with
a time window of 0.5 s. Then, the path is divided into periods of inactivity,
straight segments, and curves with consistent change of direction. The
average direction change per right (clockwise) curve is reported. The
activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s] number field of
the Analyze Case Document dialog, or
by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
cvl - average left curve [°]
Local moving directions are subjected to running average smoothing with
a time window of 0.5 s. Then, the path is divided into periods of inactivity,
straight segments, and curves with consistent change of direction. The
average direction change per left (counter-clockwise) curve is reported.
The activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s] number field
of the Analyze Case Document dialog,
or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
qog - time in old goal quadrant [%]
% of time spent in the quadrant which previously contained the goal, not
considering periods of inactivity. Before calculating the variable, speed
values are subjected to running average smoothing with a time window of
0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s] number
field of the Analyze Case Document dialog,
or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. If the goal quadrant has never changed since the first
trial, a missing value code is returned. The size of the goal and possible
goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
qor - time in old right quadrant [%]
% of time spent in the quadrant adjacent right to the one which previously
contained the goal, not considering periods of inactivity. A missing value
is returned if the goal was most recently located in the center. Before
calculating the variable, speed values are subjected to running average
smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified
in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. If the goal quadrant has never changed since the first
trial, a missing value code is returned. The size of the goal and possible
goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
qol - time in old left quadrant [%]
% of time spent in the quadrant adjacent left to the one which previously
contained the goal, not considering periods of inactivity. A missing value
is returned if the goal was most recently located in the center. Before
calculating the variable, speed values are subjected to running average
smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified
in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. If the goal quadrant has never changed since the first
trial, a missing value code is returned. The size of the goal and possible
goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
qoo - time in old opposite quadrant [%]
% of time spent in the quadrant opposite to the one which previously contained
the goal, not considering periods of inactivity. A missing value is returned
if the goal was most recently located in the center. Before calculating
the variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing
with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the
activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. If the goal quadrant has never changed since the first
trial, a missing value code is returned. The size of the goal and possible
goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
qon - average time in old non-goal quadrants [%]
One third of the % of time not spent in the quadrant which previously
contained the goal, not considering periods of inactivity. Before calculating
the variable, speed values are subjected to running average smoothing
with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the
activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
statement. If the goal quadrant has not changed since the first trial,
a missing value code is returned. The size of the goal and possible goal
positions are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement. The goal
position information which is part of the case data of each case document
specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every particular
qct - time in center quadrant [%]
% of time spent in the center quadrant, not considering periods of inactivity.
The center quadrant is a square centered in the arena and with a size
half the diameter of the arena. Before calculating the variable, speed
values are subjected to running average smoothing with a time window of
0.5 s. The activity threshold is specified in the activity [m/s] number
field of the Analyze Case Document dialog,
or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
qne - time in NE quadrant [%]
qnw - time in NW quadrant [%]
qsw - time in SW quadrant [%]
qse - time in SE quadrant [%]
% of time spent in the respective quadrant, not considering periods of
inactivity. Before calculating the variable, speed values are subjected
to running average smoothing with a time window of 0.5 s. The activity
threshold is specified in the activity [m/s] number field of the Analyze
Case Document dialog, or by the Act Number
parameter of the Analyze Case Document
xog - annulus crossings old goal [x]
Number of crosses over a field whose size and location correspond to the
most recently used goal position. If the goal quadrant has never changed
since the first trial, a missing value code is returned. The animal must
enter and leave the field for it to be counted as a crossing, simple hits
are not counted. The size of the goal and possible goal positions are
specified using the Arena Properties command
or macro statement. The goal position
information which is part of the case data of each case document specifies
which of the possible goal positions applies to every particular trial.
xor - annulus crossings old right [x]
Number of crosses over a field whose size and location correspond to the
goal position adjacent right to the most recently used one. If the goal
quadrant has never changed since the first trial, a missing value code
is returned. A missing value is also returned for the Barnes maze and
if the goal was most recently located in the center. The animal must enter
and leave the field for it to be counted as a crossing, simple hits are
not counted. The size of the goal and possible goal positions are specified
using the Arena Properties command or
macro statement. The goal position information
which is part of the case data of each case document specifies which of
the possible goal positions applies to every particular trial.
xol - annulus crossings old left [x]
Number of crosses over a field whose size and location correspond to the
goal position adjacent left to the most recently used one. If the goal
quadrant has never changed since the first trial, a missing value code
is returned. A missing value is also returned for the Barnes maze and
if the goal was most recently located in the center. The animal must enter
and leave the field for it to be counted as a crossing, simple hits are
not counted. The size of the goal and possible goal positions are specified
using the Arena Properties command or
macro statement. The goal position information
which is part of the case data of each case document specifies which of
the possible goal positions applies to every particular trial.
xoo - annulus crossings old opposite [x]
Number of crosses over a field whose size and location correspond to the
goal position opposite to the most recently used one. If the goal quadrant
has never changed since the first trial, a missing value code is returned.
A missing value is also returned for the Barnes maze and if the goal was
most recently located in the center. The animal must enter and leave the
field for it to be counted as a crossing, simple hits are not counted.
The size of the goal and possible goal positions are specified using the
Arena Properties command or macro
statement. The goal position information which is part of the case
data of each case document specifies which of the possible goal positions
applies to every particular trial.
xon - annulus crossings old non-goal [x]
Intended as control for xog - annulus crossings old [x]. Returns the average
number of crosses over fields whose size and location correspond to possible
goal locations which did not most recently contain the goal. If the goal
quadrant has not changed since the first trial, a missing value code is
returned. The animal must enter and leave a field for it to be counted
as a crossing, simple hits are not counted. The size of the goal and possible
goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
xct - annulus crossings center [x]
Number of crosses over a field located at the center of the arena and
whose size corresponds to the goal size. The animal must enter and leave
the field for it to be counted as a crossing, simple hits are not counted.
The size of the goal is specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
xne - annulus crossings NE [x]
xnw - annulus crossings NW [x]
xsw - annulus crossings SW [x]
xse - annulus crossings SE [x]
Number of crosses over a field located at the possible goal position in
the respective quadrant and whose size corresponds to the goal size. The
animal must enter and leave the field for it to be counted as a crossing,
simple hits are not counted. The size of the goal and possible goal positions
are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement. The goal
position information which is part of the case data of each case document
specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every particular
dog - average distance to old goal [m]
Average distance to the most recently used goal position, calculated without
considering whether the animal is moving or immobile. The size of the
goal and possible goal positions are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every
particular trial.
dor - average distance to old right [m]
Average distance to a point that corresponds to the goal position adjacent
right to the most recently used one, calculated without considering whether
the animal is moving or immobile. The size of the goal and possible goal
positions are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement. The goal
position information which is part of the case data of each case document
specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every particular
dol - average distance to old left [m]
Average distance to a point that corresponds to the goal position adjacent
left to the most recently used one, calculated without considering whether
the animal is moving or immobile. The size of the goal and possible goal
positions are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement. The goal
position information which is part of the case data of each case document
specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every particular
doo - average distance to old opposite [m]
Average distance to a point that corresponds to the goal position opposite
to the most recently used one, calculated without considering whether
the animal is moving or immobile. The size of the goal and possible goal
positions are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement. The goal
position information which is part of the case data of each case document
specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every particular
don - average distance to old non-goal [m]
Intended as control for dog - average distance to old goal [m]. Computed
as the average of dor - average distance to old right [m], dol - average
distance to old left [m], and doo - average distance to old opposite [m].
The size of the goal and possible goal positions are specified using the
Arena Properties command or macro
statement. The goal position information which is part of the case
data of each case document specifies which of the possible goal positions
applies to every particular trial.
dne - average distance to NE annulus [m]
dnw - average distance to NW annulus [m]
dsw - average distance to SW annulus [m]
dse - average distance to SE annulus [m]
Average distance to a point that corresponds to the possible goal position
in the respective quadrant, calculated without considering whether the
animal is moving or immobile. The size of the goal and possible goal positions
are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement. The goal
position information which is part of the case data of each case document
specifies which of the possible goal positions applies to every particular
cup - Barnes chain up [x]
Number of upward chained pokes into Barnes maze holes. Of any three subsequent
pokes into adjacent Barnes holes with consecutive ascending numbers, the
last one is considered an upward chaining poke. Barnes holes are numbered
counter-clockwise, their number and distance from the arena border are
specified using the Arena Properties command
or macro statement.
cdn - Barnes chain down [x]
Number of downward chained pokes into Barnes maze holes. Of any three
subsequent pokes into adjacent Barnes holes with consecutive descending
numbers, the last one is considered a downward chaining poke. Barnes holes
are numbered counter-clockwise, their number and distance from the arena
border are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement.
chn - Barnes chain [x]
Total number of up- or downward chained pokes into Barnes maze holes.
Of any three subsequent pokes into adjacent Barnes holes with consecutive
descending or ascending numbers, the last one is considered a chaining
poke. Barnes holes are numbered counter-clockwise, their number and distance
from the arena border are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
pok - Barnes pokes [x]
Total number of pokes into Barnes maze holes, no matter whether they
are connected to the escape tunnel or not. Barnes holes are numbered counter-clockwise,
their number and distance from the arena border are specified using the
Arena Properties command or macro
alt - Barnes alternations [x]
Total number of alternating pokes into Barnes maze holes. Of any three
alternating pokes into two adjacent Barnes holes, the last one is considered
a alternating poke. Barnes holes are numbered counter-clockwise, their
number and distance from the arena border are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
rep - Barnes repetitions [x]
Total number of subsequent pokes into the same Barnes maze hole, no matter
whether connected to the escape tunnel or not. Of any two subsequent pokes
into the same hole, the second in considered a repetition. Barnes holes
are numbered counter-clockwise, their number and distance from the arena
border are specified using the Arena Properties
command or macro statement.
nov - Barnes novel pokes [x]
Number of pokes into Barnes maze holes which have not yet been visited
during the same trial, no matter whether they are connected to the escape
tunnel or not. Barnes holes are numbered counter-clockwise, their number
and distance from the arena border are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
mlt - Barnes multiple pokes [x]
Number of pokes into Barnes maze holes which have already been visited
during the same trial, no matter whether they are connected to the escape
tunnel or not. Barnes holes are numbered counter-clockwise, their number
and distance from the arena border are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
rnd - Barnes random pokes [x]
Number of pokes into Barnes maze holes which cannot be considered chaining,
repetitive, nor alternating pokes. Barnes holes are numbered counter-clockwise,
their number and distance from the arena border are specified using the
Arena Properties command or macro
ini - Barnes initial error [°]
Deviation of the first visited hole in the Barnes maze from the hole connected
to the escape tunnel. Barnes holes are numbered counter-clockwise, their
number and distance from the arena border are specified using the Arena
Properties command or macro statement.
The goal position information which is part of the case data of each case
document specifies for every particular trial which of the holes is connected
to the escape tunnel.
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