Fill in the dialog box fields as indicated below. You may also accept
presented default values
and options. Disregard grayed
fields and options. When done, press Ok to continue. Or press Cancel
to abort.
Variable definition
Use this radio button
field to indicate the method you wish to use to define the variables
which are to be analyzed:
- from custom file = parse custom variable definitions from the variable
definition file specified in the file
field which is associated with this option. Wintrack variable
definition files usually have the extension .VDF.
- from predefined list = select any combination of predefined variables
from the list field which is associated with this option.
wall zone [m]
Use this number field
to specify the width of the wall zone. This field is only accessible
if you have selected from predefined list as the Variable definition
method and if your selection includes any variables which require a
wall zone to be defined.
center zone [m]
Use this number field
to specify the radius or the center zone. This field is only accessible
if you have selected from predefined list as the Variable definition
method and if your selection includes any variables which require a
center zone to be defined.
start zone [m]
Use this number field
to specify the radius of the start zone. This field is only accessible
if you have selected from predefined list as the Variable definition
method and if your selection includes any variables which require a
start zone to be defined.
goal zone [m]
Use this number field
to specify the radius of the goal zone. This field is only accessible
if you have selected from predefined list as the Variable definition
method and if your selection includes any variables which require a
goal zone to be defined.
corridor width [m]
Use this number field
to specify the radius of the air-line corridor leading from the start
point to the goal. This field is only accessible if you have selected
from predefined list as the Variable definition method and if your selection
includes any variables which require an air-line corridor to be defined.
activity [m/s]
Use this number field
to specify an activity threshold. This field is only accessible if you
have selected from predefined list as the Variable definition method.
Use this radio button
field to indicate how the results of this analysis should be reported:
- none = do not create a report (this option is commonly used with
custom variable definition files that define a bullet analysis whose
results are reported graphically).
- create new = create a new scrollsheet to hold the results of the
- merge = merge the results into the topmost scrollsheet reusing
existing columns as much as possible and overwriting any previous
results of the same analysis. If the topmost scrollsheet contains
incompatible data, a new one is created.
- chain = append the results to the topmost scrollsheet without reusing
or overwriting any existing columns or rows. If the topmost scrollsheet
contains incompatible data, a new one is created.
variable name suffix
You can use this text field to specify a suffix that Wintrack will append to all variable names defined in a custom variable definition file. Specify "none" if you do not wish to add a suffix to variable names. If you specify "flush", no suffix is appended, but Wintrack flushes the variable cache each time the command is run. This may be useful during debugging of variable definition files.
Trial range and blocks
Use the range field
range to indicate the range of trials to be analyzed and the number
field block size to specify the size of the blocks into which the
trials of the selected range are to be grouped. If you specify o for
block size, Wintrack will analyze trial variables else it will analyze
case variables. In the latter case, all selected variables will be analyzed
for every trial in the range and then averaged for each block of trials.
The field block size is only accessible if you have selected from predefined
list as the Variable definition method. If you select from custom file
as the Variable definition method, you are only allowed to specify a
trial range and the effect of your specification will depend on the
type of variable defined in the custom variable definition file you
are about to process. For trial variables, profile variables, and bullets
it will simply determine which trials will be considered in the analysis.
For surface variables, it will further restrict the trial ranges already
specified in the variable definition, so that only trials included in
both ranges will be considered. Case variables will remain unaffected
by trial range specifcations made here.
Time window
Use this radio button
field to indicate whether you want to analyze entire trials or to
perform partial analysis by restricting the analysis to a time window
within every trial:
- all = no time window, analyze every trial in its entirety.
- from begin = restrict analysis to a time window which is specified
relative to the begin of every trial in the fields duration [s] and
offset [s].
- from end = restrict analysis to a time window which is specified
relative to the end of every trial in the fields duration [s] and
offset [s].
If you have selected the options from end or from begin, use the associated
number fields duration
[s] and offset [s] to specify the duration of the time window and its
offset from the begin or end of the trial, respectively. If a trial
is too short for the time window and offset to fit, the time window
is shortened to make it fit. Analysis is skipped for all trials which
are shorter than the indicated offset. If you have selected from custom
file as Variable definition option, Wintrack will scan the custom variable
definition file for any Window statements without explicitly defined
Begin and End parameters and supplement the missing parameters using
Time window settings of the dialog. This will affect any case, trial,
or surface variables that depend on those Window statements. Profile
variables and bullets always refer to entire trials.